Contact our team

Select the type of inquiry.

Business Inquiry


General inquiries about company services


Inquiries regarding collaboration, promotion, etc., related to service marketing


Inquiries such as crowdfunding to finance your project

DPoI (Delegated Proof of Investment)

Crowd VC-related inquiries with fair value investment/distribution system

R2E (Referral to earn)

Inquiries about the R2E system for user and service expansion

Technical Inquiry

Dapp development

Inquiry for support for developing decentralized applications built on top of mainnet

Mainnet development

Mainnet-related development support inquiries, such as blockchain protocol and smart contract development

Mainnet onchain

Inquiries regarding participation in various services operating on the mainnet and operational issues

Partnership Inquiry

Technology partnership

Technical cooperation inquiries for technical support and exchange

Global business partnership

Global business partnership: Inquiry for global business cooperation for service expansion

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