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Collection and use of personal information Agreement

1. Items and methods of collecting personal information
- Collection method:Business, Technical, Partnership Inquiry
- Collected item: Name, E-mail, Company Name, Company Department (optional)

2. The purpose of collection and use of personal information
Business/service partnership: For the purpose of verifying identity and confirming business/service/technology partnership.

3. Period of maintenance and use of collected personal information
When the company collects personal information from the data subject, it follows the principle of using and retaining the information during the business/service/technology partnership period, and promptly destroys the information once the purpose of use is achieved.

However, if there is a need to retain the personal information due to the provisions of related laws and regulations or internal policies of the company, the company may retain the personal information in accordance with the applicable laws and the company's personal information processing policy.

A. Information collected for business/service/technology partnership: 1 year
B. Retention of personal information pursuant to related laws (If unnecessary, the following information may be deleted)
1) Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.
- Records on display and advertisement: 6 months
- Records on consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years retention
2) Protection of Communications Secrets Act
- Login records: 3 months retention

4. Refusal of consent and notice of disadvantages of non-consent
You have the right to refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information, and if you refuse to consent to the collection and use of essential items, the use of for business/service/technology partnership may be restricted.

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